Senin, 18 November 2013

Places That I Want T Visit

Name / Student-ID  : Cipto Prasetio Sutikno / 18611407
Class                       : 3SA05
Subject                   : Soft Skill 5 - Tourism 2

Places that I want to visit

Hello Everyone, my name’s Cipto Prasetio, I’m a student with English Literature faculty in Gunadarma University, Western of Bekasi city, Indonesia. Today I would like to tell and explain you the places that I want to visit so much. So, let’s get start then..
HobbyLink Japan

HobbyLink Japan ( is a hobby related online store based in Japan that ships worldwide. Started in 1995, HobbyLink Japan is an Internet mail-order business located in the foothills of Tochigi Prefecture, Japan. They ship hobby products, toys, anime items, books and more to customers all over the world. This office ships Gundam Model Kits, Cars/Bikes Model Kits, Aircraft Model Kits, Action Figures, Anime Figures, Anime Collectibles, Science-Fiction, and Military Model Kits. Even though this place is only an office of online store, I really want to go there ASAP!

Aoyagi Samurai Manor Museum

Aoyagi Samurai Manor, one of the best preserved architectural beauties of its kind in Japan. Founded on the rich traditions of the Aoyagi family, the Manor assumed a new facade in 1989 as a complex of open-air museums. The estate features the Main House, the Armory, the Seiryu-an Gallery, the Akita Folk Museum, the Samurai Tools and Utensils Museum, the Antique Museum and Tea Room, gift shops and a beautiful garden.
On display in the buildings are quaint items from the 17th through 20th centuries: samurai swords, utensils, clothing, toys, hanging scrolls, pictures and documents. Some of them have earned the designation as important cultural properties from the national, prefectural or municipal government. More treasures of historic value would join in the exhibition from a sealed family storehouse where experts have been evaluating the contents.
Unlike other museums with facilities specially designed for exhibitions and their collections comprising only items gathered somewhere else, the buildings and their displays have their roots in this Manor - the members of the Aoyagi family built or collected them for their actual daily use. For example, the Main House had been home to the descendants until as late as 1985.

Matsumoto Castle

Matsumoto Castle is one of the most complete and beautiful among Japan's original castles. It is a "hirajiro" - a castle built on plains rather than on a hill or mountain. Matsumoto Castle is unique for having both a secondary donjon and a turret adjoined to its main keep. The castle structures, in combination with their characteristic black wainscoting, give off an air of grandeur and poise.
Matsumotojo's main castle keep and its smaller, second donjon were built from 1592 to 1614. Both these structures were well-fortified as peace was not yet fully achieved at the time. In 1635, when military threats had ceased, a third, barely defended turret and another for moon viewing were added to the castle.

         The wooden interior of Matsumoto Castle provides an authentic experience unlike that felt at many other castles rebuilt of ferro-concrete. Interesting features of the castle include steep wooden stairs, openings to drop stones onto invaders, openings for archers, as well as an observation deck at the top, sixth floor of the main keep with nice views over the surrounding city.

In spring, Matsumoto Castle is a popular cherry blossom spot. Many visit to stroll around the spacious castle grounds and park. Along the outer castle moat are hundreds of somei yoshino cherry trees that provide lovely views when they are in full bloom around mid April each year.

          So that’s all from me, those are the places that I’m very longed to visit. What about you?
Thank you so much guys for reading my entry, bye!

Minggu, 17 November 2013

3 Hal Sederhana untuk Menjaga Kesehatan

nama : Cipto Prasetio Sutikno
NPM  : 18611407
Kelas : 3SA05
Tema : Jurnalistik - Opini

KESEHATAN itu adalah anugerah yang diberikan oleh Tuhan Yang Maha Esa kepada kita,  maka kita hendaknya menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan diri kita sendiri sebab jika bukan kita sendiri siapa lagi? Kesehatan itu tak ternilai harganya dan kebanyakan orang baru merasa kalau sehat itu penting saat sudah jatuh sakit.
Badan yang sehat bisa didapatkan dengan 3 hal sederhana yaitu Makan makanan yang bergizi, olahraga secara teratur, dan menjaga lingkungan sekitar kita.
Yang pertama makan makanan yang bergizi, makan makanan yang bergizi dengan maksud makanan yang kita makan sehari-hari harus seimbang antara karbohidrat, protein, lemak, vitamin, dan mineral. Contohnya makan makanan 4 sehat 5 sempurna. Selain itu kita pun harus lebih selektif dalam memilih makan luar sebab saat ini banyak makanan yang mengandung bahan-bahan berbahaya yang dapat menyebabkan kesehatan kita terganggu.
Yang kedua olahraga secara teratur, olahraga membawa pengaruh yang cukup besar akan kesehatan bagi tubuh kita. Kebanyakan orang menganggap jika olahraga tidak terlalu penting namun pada saat sudah menginjak usia lanjut mereka baru sadar jika olahraga itu sangatlah penting. Untuk orang yang memiliki rutinitas cukup sibuk usahakan olaraha kecil tiap hari seperti shit-up, push-up,dll. seminggu sekali seperti jogging, senam aerobik dan permainan olahraga seperti futsal, basket, berenang,dll.
Yang ketiga yaitu menjaga lingkungan sekitar, kita sering kali lalai dalam menjaga kesehatan lingkungan sekitar kita karena rutinitas sehari-hari yang sangat padat. Dengan demikian akan menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit bahkan yang bisa menimbulkan kematian sekalipun seperti Deman Berdarah (DBD).  Contoh hal kecil dalam menjaga lingkungan sekitar yaitu tidak membuang sampah sembarangan dan tetap menjaga kebersihan sekitar.
Dalam menjaga kesehatan tubuh perlu kesadaran dari tiap individu dan selagi ada waktu hendaknya kita untuk lebih selektif dalam menjaga dan memelihara kesehatan diri minimal dengan melaksanakan 3 hal diatas. Sebab kesehatan merupakan hal yang paling berharga dan jika sudah sakit pun kita sendiri lah yang akan merasakannya.

Apakah Anda Sudah Bernafas dengan Benar?

nama      : Cipto Prasetio Sutikno
NPM       : 18611407
Kelas      : 3SA05
Tema      : Jurnalistik - Investigasi

Sebagian besar orang bernapas dengan tersengal-sengal dalam cara yang mereka pikir dilakukan dengan benar, namun sebenarnya tidak. Bernapas merupakan tindakan alami, otomatis dan bahkan tidak perlu kita pikirkan. 

Kenyataannya, Anda mungkin berpikir panjang tentang bagaimana Anda terlihat saat menari, ketimbang memikirkan bagaimana caranya bernapas. Dan Anda tahu mana yang lebih penting. 

Bernapas dengan benar, dan meluangkan waktu beberapa saat untuk melakukannya, membuat Anda tampak dan merasa lebih muda. Tapi jangan khawatir, mari kita ketahui caranya bernafas dengan benar.

Sebelum Anda mengatakan, "Hey, saya tahu caranya bernapas, saya sudah melakukannya sepanjang hidup saya!" Coba lakukan ujian kecil ini: 

Melihat ke depan sebelum melakukan dua kali pernapasan. Lalu, memandang ke bawah untuk dua kali proses bernapas. Apakah Anda merasakan sesuatu bergerak? Mungkin tidak, atau tidak begitu merasakan. 

Itu karena kebanyakan orang bernapas begitu pendek, napas pendek yang terjadi hanya berasal dari dada. 

Paru-paru Anda mampu menghirup 6 liter udara tiap menit, kecuali Anda menggunakannya secara maksimal, anda tidak mendapatkan udara sebanyak itu. Kuncinya adalah dengan melibatkan diafragma Anda, yang menarik ke bawah paru-paru Anda dan memungkinkannya mengembang sepenuhnya. 

Berikut adalah 3 langkah untuk kembali belajar bagaimana mengambil napas dalam-dalam:

Langkah 1: 
Berbaring telentang di lantai. Letakkan satu tangan di pusar dan satu tangan di dada Anda.

Langkah 2: 
Perlahan-lahan ambil napas dalam-dalam, luangkan lima detik guna mengisi paru-paru Anda. Hitung waktu di kepala Anda, 1..., 2..., 3..., 4..., 5. Perut Anda harus diangkat saat Anda melakukan ini, angkat pusar Anda, jauh dari tulang belakang Anda. Dada Anda akan mengembang naik dan turun ke beberapa bagian.

Langkah 3: 
Saat paru-paru Anda terasa penuh, buang napas perlahan, hitung sampai 7 seolah Anda mengeluarkan semua udara. Fokus mengembalikan pusar ke arah tulang belakang Anda untuk memaksa paru-paru Anda sepenuhnya kosong.

Ulangi dua kali sehari, 10 kali bernapas secara dalam-dalam pada pagi hari dan 10 kali pada malam hari, untuk meningkatkan fungsi paru-paru dan pembuluh darah, isi tubuh Anda dengan oksigen, membersihkan racun dari tubuh dan menghilangkan stres.

Sumber :

Kamis, 07 November 2013

Conversation as A Tourist Guide

          Hello there, this is my very first conversation with the tourists from western country, I was as a tour guide for them, we recently visited a museum called “Museum of Wayang” in Kota Tua, central of Jakarta. The conversation below is my explanations and a thing or two questions by them about this “Wayang”, we Indonesian usually named as it, referring to English language it literally means “Puppet”, played by “Dalang” or “Puppeteer”.
          Oh yes, this isn’t a kind of job such as freelance work or else, I guided them in order to fulfill my assignment for my subject in Gunadarma University, so I didn’t take any inheritance for doing so, I gladly guided them and free of charge.
          Ok then, let’s just begin the content of my conversations..

Note :Cipto (21) abbreviated as [C], Mr. Johnson [42] as Mr. J, Mrs. Johnson [38] as Mrs. J, Emily Johnson [22] as EJ, and William Johnson [16] as WJ. I converted some sentence to become more appropriate word in daily conversations, although they said a bit different. Low-level vocabulary, easier to understand LOL.

C                       : Hello, good day Ladies & Gentleman. Would you like me to guide you intothe Museum of Wayang? This isn’t my job as a tourists guide, I’m doing so in order to do my assignment in one of the subjects for my college. Hence, I’d gladly guide you into the museum and tells you everything I know about this “Wayang” or you usually called as “Puppet”. simply put it, free of charge, would you like to?
Mrs. J       : Honey, Listen, he speaks English fluently! How adorable of him!
Mr. J         : yes honey, I’m listening. Say, your English is very good, who are you and where do you came from?
C             : I’m a student of Gunadarma University with English Literature faculty. I’d gladly guide you into this museum in order to accomplish my assignment for my subjects, thus; I’d offer you free of charge for my guiding and some knowledge about Wayang.
EJ            : that is cool, mom! He will guide us for free! Shall we take it?
Mrs. J       : oh here she come, how about you, sonny?
WJ           : it is fine, that’s cool. By the way, what’s his name?
Mr. J         : oh yeah that reminds me, who’s your name?
C             : the name’s CiptoPrasetio, just call me Cipto, that’s fine. Oh, sir, my apology, it’s actually not free, in order to get inside the museum you have to pay Rp 7.000,- for each person, and you have to pay me the ticket as well. I promised you it would be free, did i? I meant for the guide and the knowledge, not included the ticket or the pass. So the payment for my guiding is only costs a ticket, I promised you, you won’t be sorry.
Mr. J         : what? haha! That’s fine then, just don’t make me disappointed.
C             : thank you, sir. And my apology. So, would you like to start the tour?
Mrs. J, EJ & WJ    : Yes, please!

C             : follow me, then.
(we went to the entrance door and found the receptionist desk).
you have to pay the tickets here, sir.
Mr. J         : OK ..
(a moment ..)
C             : uhm, is this your very first vacation in Indonesia, mam?
Mrs. J       : yes, this is our first time to be in Indonesia, your country is very good, various of cultural lies here in Jakarta especially.
C             : thank you, mam. What kind of signature dish have you ever tasted in Jakarta?
Mrs. J       : I love rendang, it was veery good, the veal was so smooth, it’s very delicious.
WJ           : I like lele, a deep fried lele. The taste of a fish that I’ve never tasted before, I love, can we have lele later?
Mrs. J       : yes, yes dear. You can have many lele as much as you like!
C             : hahaha, please don’t over-eat that, you still need vegetable nutrition for your body and do work-out often if you want to eat lele every day.
how about you, Ms. Emily?
EJ            : just call me Emily, that’s cool.I like bakso, they are unique, a ball-shaped meat with some white noodles, ooh it is so good. And escendol, wow! I love it!
C             : my my, you guys are love to eat, aren’t you? Hahaha.
Mr. J         : here’s the tickets!
C             : Roger that, so let’s begin our tour. Oh, please don’t bring any foods and drinks inside the museum, mineral water is just fine, keep the museum neat and tidy.
Wayang or Puppet, is a doll which usually played for entertainment, there are various kind of wayang as we can see here, on your right side you can see the wayang which bodies, faces, and their cloths are referring to the folklore stories, such as Bandung Bondowoso, Petruk, Semar, and so on.
on your left, these wayang had been make records in Indonesian history, as you can see on this wayang, the Hanomanwayang, this is the largest wayangever made in Jakarta, Hanoman is a monkey-shaped human who has spiritual power in Hindu beliefs.
WJ           : awesome..what kind of entertainment these wayang do?
C             : hmm..some people, especially those who are a native people of Javanese, are tend to watch this Wayang Show in the night, some to entertain themselves with the folklore stories, some to entertain their mind and soul as a reason of religious play.
EJ            : so, are these puppets haunted? I mean, like ghost or wretched souls gets inside these wayang?
C             : some people, or mostly yes, they believe that these puppet have a kind of soul inside their body, and I’d heard that the security of this museum sometime hears noises, giggles, and changing position of one or more puppets. But I don’t believe such thing, what I do believe that these puppets are ones work of art.
Mrs. J       : sounds spooky..
C             : yes, shall we go ahead?
EJ & WJ    : yes, please! I’m a bit frightening here..
C             : hehe, let’s go then..
               (we’re going upstairs, in the middle of the steps..)
you can see a big painting on the opposite direction of this stairs, the painting tells us about the war of a kingdom’s soldiers against the demon hell pawns. Unfortunately I forgot the name of this kingdom, but I believe that they were Hindu kingdom, since this painting made by a Javanese man. You are free to take many captures as you like.
               (another steps and we arrived at the hall of creepy puppets and masks)
Mr. J         : wow, what are these puppets for? It seems..hauntingly sees us.
C             : welcome to the halls of creepy wayang, where the dolls, puppets even the masks here were used as a religious and culture purposes.
EJ            : mom, please don’t release my hand..
Mrs. J       : come on, honey, it’s fine, he say so. (but I saw she’s shaking as well)
C             : please, don’t bother afraid of them, for they are happy to see someone frightening..
Mrs. J & EJ : what?? oh my Lord..
C             : hahaha, my bad, it was only joking.
               The puppets, masks, and idols here were purposed for ceremonial occasions. For example, as you can see at this big wooden masks, they were purposed for a dead man without any identity, should be wear this mask before they get burial ceremony, it is says that this kind of mask will make the dead man’s soul rest in peace. It’s their beliefs, the Dayak’s culture in Borneo island, I don’t.
               You can take many pictures as much as you like here as well.

Mrs. J       : dear, look at those dolls, a bit cute, aren’t they?
WJ           : cute? Nah, they are weird to me, mom?
                 you asked the wrong person, shouldn’t you tell Emily instead of me?
EJ            : what? what?
Mr. J         : (busy capturing..)
Mrs. J       : take a look at those dolls, cute, aren’t they?
EJ            : hmm, yes, a bit, so?
Mrs. J       : ask Mr. Cipto, who are they and what are they..
C             : forgive me Mam, I overheard it.
               They are the characters which are used to a kid’s show, named Si Unyil. He is the main character, Unyil. his friends,  Usop, Melanie, Gembul and so on. this doll is named Pa Ogah, because he is lazy to do all kind of things, just like his name “ogah” means “lazy or heck no”. This is Pa Raden, he is a senior citizen, he likes to critics everything that is wrong and sometimes he easily get mad, for example, whenever Unyil and his friends playing around with such noisy
               sounds, he would get mad and end up scold them.
EJ            : sounds fun, is the show still on air?
C             : unfortunately, no. the show itself had been outdated. Afraid not, there is a
               TV show in a local channel called Trans 7, they airs a program named Laptop Si Unyil. Haha, Unyil has a laptop. This program isn’t just a merely entertainment yet educating, I like the program as well. The last time I watched this program, Unyil shows us the train’s factory in Germany. If I recall, he told us about how the do train brakes, how fast a train could run, etc. He doesn’t only tell us about the technology, sometimes the theme of each day would be different, like culinary, cultural, cultivating, and so on, it’s very educating both for children and grown-up people.
WJ           : what time I can watch him?
C             : as I remember, it airs in the day, at 1:00 PM on Monday through Friday to be exact.
WJ           : darn, we missed the program, it’s 2 PM already..
C             : haha, please watch it tomorrow in Trans 7.
               Done capturing, Mr. J? Let’s head to next hall then, this way please.
(we went into a hall which there was some gamelan being displayed).
Mr. J         : ooh, interesting, what are those?
C             : it’s called Gamelan, the musical instruments which usually being played when the wayang shows occurring. As you can see the largest one hanging under a wooden bridge, it’s called Gong. There’s a guitar-like instrument which has many strings, I have no idea how many it is, it’s called Kecapi. Behind the kecapi, you can see a Double-bass, I bet you already know this kind of instrument.
               you can capture pictures over here, sir. Oh, do you want me to capture all of you guys? Let me hold your camera and I’ll capture you with this gamelan instruments.
Mrs. J       : oh yes, please!
               (a moment.. snap!)
C             : let’s head downstairs, we will reach the souvenir shop and end our tour.
               (while stepping downstairs)
EJ            : so Cipto, how long have you been as a college student?
C             : I’m just starting my 5th semester, and in this semester I have a subject called Soft Skill. The subject teaches us how to manage and maintain our soft skills, which content the speaking ability, understanding ones culture – especially western countries, well we are with English literature faculty after all, and so many things to do in this subject. Like what I’m doing right now, guiding a foreigner or tourist is one way to improve my ability to speak foreign language, simply put, practices makes perfect.
EJ            : wow, that’s very cool..
C             : how about yourself, Emily? Are you a college student or are you an employee?
EJ            : I’m a college student as well, I’m just having a vacation with my family here in summer. I’m bore with beach in my hometown, I prefer hiking or climbing rather than having a holiday at beach with my friend or my family.
               (Mr. & Mrs. J busy looking at the merchandise, while WJ went into the toilet)
C             : oh yeah? What university you went into?
EJ            : the name is ***I forgot***, in my 4th grade I won’t fool around, I must have the guts to finish my finals.
C             : wow, what project are you into?
EJ            : not much, I am willing to observe an asylum hospital for several weeks. I hope I can be a psychiatrist.
C             : good luck and keep make good progress on your finals. Oh, it seems your parents are done visiting the souvenir shop, hehe.
EJ            : yes, nice to get to know with you too.
               (they gathered at once)
C             : so ladies & gentlemen, we’re at the end of the tour, hope you had a blast and memorable experience, it’s an honor to guide you into this museum.
Mrs. J       : Thank you very much, Cipto. We won’t forget your kindness and keep make good progresses with your college.
WJ           : Thank you brother, it was very cool to know you, and this museum as well, hahaha!
EJ            : Thank you Cipto, it was so much fun! Please guide us again next time in different museum.
Mr. J         : Thank you very much, thanks to you we have a blast in this museum. What’re you going to do after this?
C             : My pleasure, it was an honor to me, you’re most welcome.
               I think I’ll try to guide another tourist into this museum again, I still need to improve my daily conversation with foreigner, to be honest, I should get use to ones accent so I can catch up and get what they trying to say, practices makes perfect, hahaha.
Mr. J         : That’s good for you! Well then, we’re leaving now. See you again next time, Cipto, and keep make well progresses with your college!
C             : Thank you, sir! Yes, it was an honor of me, bye then!

          So that’s my very first job as a tour guide. Might this story could motivated you to practices more and more fluently in pronunciation and get use to chat with foreigners. Thank you so much for reading my article, and practices makes perfect. See you!